
How to Install the widget on Tumblr

This document covers the installation steps required to integrate Social9 with your Tumblr website


  1. Get The Code Snippet From Social9 Console
  2. Add Script In Tumblr Control Panel
  3. Additional Setup For Inline(Horizontal) Widgets

Get The Code Snippet From Social9 Console

Copy the one-time installation code snippet under the tumblr installation guide section of the Social9 Console. This should look similar to,


Add Script In Tumblr Control Panel

Log in to your Tumblr account and select the account icon(with user thumbnail) at the top right and click on Edit Appearance.

Tumblr Edit Apprearances

This will take you to the Tumblr appearance configuration page under which you'll see the Website Theme section. Click on the Edit theme to open the theme configuration panel.

Tumblr Edit Theme

Now, click on Edit HTML in the top left to open the HTML Editor.

Tumblr HTML Editor

Scroll till bottom of your code and paste the copied snippet copied in step 1.

Additional Setup For Inline(Horizontal) Widgets

If you'd like to configure an inline widget in your site (i.e. when the widget is placed side-by-side with your page content with a horizontal view), just add this additional code snippet where ever you want the widget to be rendered.

<div class="s9-widget-wrapper"></div>

Inline Widget For Developers

You can create or configure inline widgets under the social9 configurations section and it will automatically be reflected on your website.

For inline widgets, you need to specify the location on your site where the widget should be rendered.

By default, the social9 inline widgets are rendered under the element with class name s9-widget-wrapper although you can change the name in the console. This can be done by changing the Parent Container Selector field under the Rules section of the widget editor.

Paste the following snippet in your site where the inline widget should render.

For id selectors

ID Selector

<div id="s9-widget-wrapper-id"></div>

For class selectors

Class Selector

<div class="s9-widget-wrapper-class"></div>